Software start-ups: where to start

software start up

We are often asked what is the most important function that is required when embarking upon a software development project.

By their very nature, software start-up companies are building new applications, whether they are websites, desktop applications, browser applications or mobile apps.

It goes without saying that the development team need to understand what they are being asked to build and develop. This then is the most important function for a software start up business – complete, clear and detailed instruction to the development team.

Unless there is utter clarity about what the development team is going to build, there will be no solid and usable product. It would be the same as asking a builder to build a complete 3-bedroom home without any plans. The end result would, without a doubt, not include most of the requirements of the owner - however professional and experienced the builder is.

The problem of lack of detailed specification is multiplied when it comes to software projects. This is because the end result depends entirely on the intricate structure of all aspects of the application. Where the configuration has been designed in a specific way because the requirement was not clearly specified, it is almost guaranteed to cause problems and additional expense at some later point in the project when the missing clarity comes to light.

A simple example may be where the requirement is that the system should store personal mobile telephone numbers for specific employees stored on the database. These numbers are related to the employee and not the business – yet they need to be stored. Unless the development has taken this into account from the start there will be at some point additional expense in resource, time and money to sort out the problem.

Where Do You Start When You Have An Idea For A New Software Application from Point100 on Vimeo.

If you are looking for an external partner to contribute software expertise to your start-up venture, contact Point100 today to see if we would be a good fit for your requirements.

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