Why create a bespoke business app?

Apps, whether they are on mobile devices or web browsers, are omnipresent in today's society. The fundamental key to a successful bespoke business app is to create something that people will want to use. This is as true for B2B businesses as it is for B2C, because a human being will always be at the other end of the solution you build, no matter the sector.

If you are looking to develop a bespoke business app for your customers, here are some key points to consider.

Apps work as another route of contact between you and your customers, in which can be more personalised, intuitive experience. The very nature of apps mean that they are accessible from anywhere using mobile devices, ensuring that you can be where your users are at all times. Having an app is a way to increase brand awareness by stretching to a new platform and increasing the touchpoints you have with customers.

Communication is simple when built into an app, as customers have the ability to create a personalised account, and to leave feedback on the app's performance on the app store, giving your developers the ability to respond to any pain points and create an evolving user experience.

Apps act as another marketing channel, making use of notifications on mobile devices to remind customers to check in every now and then, without becoming irritating or taking up space in an inbox in the same way as email marketing, for example. Apps also allow more informal, 'friendly' communication where appropriate, conforming to your brand's tone of voice guidelines. 

A bespoke business app can offer the potential to create a unique service, for example a points awards system or a device tracker. Loyalty programs on mobile have been proven to be more successful than a card or stamp system that can be misplaced, and it also means customers will download your app!

Apps can increase customer engagement, and you have a high degree of control over mobile apps, allowing you to create custom effects and immersive designs, not limited by a browser. Mobile apps can provide a superior user experience to websites, when designed effectively, reducing the time it takes to get to the information that users need.

Apps are becoming more convenient with increasing technology advancements, such as fingerprint or voice login systems. Apps can also integrate preferences and settings which allow you to market directly and efficiently.

In general, search trends indicate that people are less likely to search for your service on their computers, and more likely to do it on their phones while they are waiting on something else. Depending on your sector, having an app may separate you from the crowd, and browsers may have distractions such as search engine ads that make it more difficult to cut through the noise of competitors.

All in all, these advantages can lead to more visibility with your audience, and a whole host of benefits that can only be achieved through apps.

To find out more about custom app development, and how Point100 can help, visit our dedicated page.

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